After a minor or major crash, most people tell themselves that they will be fine after a few days. For instance, most people who get involved in a severe accident and manage to escape without any injuries while other passengers get severe injuries tend to compare themselves with the other victims and assume that they are okay. They say to themselves “at least I can walk and am not as hurt as him/her so in a few days I’ll be good. “Unfortunately injuries do not always reveal themselves at first.
An ignored injury could do more harm than you think. Reason being the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to treat and also the more it affects the body organs. The body is structured in such a way that each organ whether minor or major supports the other in achieving its function and keeps you healthy. That means if one is unable to perform its function efficiently it affects others, and that might lead to chronic conditions.
An ignored injury could do more harm than you think. Reason being the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to treat and also the more it affects the body organs. The body is structured in such a way that each organ whether minor or major supports the other in achieving its function and keeps you healthy. That means if one is unable to perform its function efficiently it affects others, and that might lead to chronic conditions.
After a minor or major crash, most people tell themselves that they will be fine after a few days. For instance, most people who get involved in a severe accident and manage to escape without any injuries while other passengers get severe injuries tend to compare themselves with the other victims and assume that they are okay. They say to themselves “at least I can walk and am not as hurt as him/her so in a few days I’ll be good. “Unfortunately injuries do not always reveal themselves at first.
This policy covers takes care of the expenses incurred by an individual in case of hospitalisation and is designed to cover various illnesses with cashless hospitalization and pre and post hospital expenses.
This plan takes care of the life threatening diseases like Cancer, heart attack, Brain tumours and kidney failures. This plan can be taken as a stand alone policy or can be added as a top up to the existing policy. The premium paid by the policy.
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